
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Last Night in Cambodia!

I want to say thanks to everyone for the prayers and support we've received! Thanks to the great team I had for the wonderful experiences we had together. Thanks also to the Dolans, Julie Broyles, Doris, and all the Khmer Christians for the love and hospitality we received, and for making the whole trip possible.

I got to go to Doris's school one last time yesterday and play soccer with the boys there. Being a big slow Barang (foreigner), I just abused my size advantage the whole time. Good thing the kids here are so tough!

A few things the rest of the team missed :
*Two Khmers were baptized at church this morning
*Doris's school got a fish tank!
*One of my (male!) students gave me a pink charm - it has a heart, a butterfly, and two flowers on it. I don't believe the Khmer culture has gender-specific colors, but I was still a bit surprised!

In about 8 hours I'm going to get up and then head to a bus station for my journey to Bangkok, where I will meet up with another Aggies for Christ group for another short term mission trip in Thailand. It's kinda weird that everyone else is gone, my new team hasn't even gotten here yet, and I'm halfway through. A few prayers to help me keep up with my fresh teammates would be appreciated.

I don't remember the website for the AFC Thailand blog right now, but I will post it on here ASAP in case anyone would like to follow that trip.

*Update -

- Jared